Our community

The passion for running is what unites our community. Together, we want to share the fun of running in training and get better together. In line with our motto "ambitious together", we want to show that running doesn't have to be an individual sport. 

Our aim is to offer ambitious runners a space where they can find each other without inhibitions and regardless of club affiliation. We also want to offer running an attractive stage, spark enthusiasm for running and draw attention to this ambitious sport. 

In addition to our ambitious goals, our joint training sessions and events focus on fun and serenity. We welcome everyone who can identify with our idea - regardless of club, gender, origin, skin color, religion or sexual orientation.


The founding history

The idea of the community emerged in 2019 from a cross-club group of runners. The fact that we trained together despite our different performance levels and club affiliations was something of an exception at the time. We had observed that in traditional club sports, inhibitions had to be overcome in order to join ambitious running sports and that many small groups remained among themselves. This gave rise to our vision of a running community that sees running as a modern and attractive group activity.

When the COVID-19 pandemic began at the start of 2020, our idea began to take shape. Not because it was a good time to do sport together, but because we suddenly had time to concretize and implement our vision. This is how our name, logo and vision came about in a democratic process.

The association

In September 2020, we founded an association, although we are a community that is organized across associations. Why did we do this?

In order to realize our vision of joint events and training, we have to be officially represented and need an organizational backbone. Some Milers also wanted to run "officially" in Milers kit. 

The association is there to organize the community and gives members the opportunity to actively shape community life. Optionally, a DLV starting pass can also be applied for. However, members of the community are not obliged to join the association or to buy a starting pass.


These are a few of the heroes who work in the background and ensure that the community runs smoothly - in the truest sense of the word. You can turn to these people with specific questions.